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Everything you ever wanted to know about Forum Etiquette!
General We thought it would be helpful to have some detailed, basic information on using this board (and indeed, forums in general) for anyone who is new to forums or maybe just new to a certain aspect of it. Please feel free to suggest topics that you feel should be added for the benefit of others.
Trading Brats are extremely generous. Between May and October you will see many 'I got a box' posts on the board. Sharing is one of the great joys of this hobby and Brats are great at sharing their toys.
Pictures Brats are great photographers and we LOVE to see pictures of everyone's plants. Often we have never seen a variety or at least not a good shot of one. We welcome pictures and have introduced a new forum called Eye Candy just for posting pictures. Here are some simple rules to help make our viewing experience great:
Siggys & Avatars One of the fun things if having special siggys and avatars. Here's the scoop on the sizes and which is which.
Copyright Copyright violation is a sticky subject and one that needs some discussion. The following information is paraphrased from the website of the United States Copyright Office. If you have questions or would like more information, please visit their website at
Chat Room Brats love to Chat! We welcome the newbies to join us in the chatroom. Chat can be overwhelming in the beginning because sometimes the room gets full and it seems impossible to keep up. Here are some guidelines for having a great chat:
Forum Ownership The forum is owned by Dr Sylvia (DrSylvia) and administered / moderated with the help of Sharon (gessiejunkie) and Kay. While the forum welcomes new members, it is not a 'public forum' where anything goes. This forum is bought and paid for and we are able to meet our friends, participate in fun and contests, get support in times of trouble and just generally have a great time because we think of this as our home.
Please be aware of this as we go about the business of keeping this forum running smoothly. If the administrators feel it is necessary to contact you about an issue, know that they are doing what is in the best interest of the forum and will ALWAYS try to resolve things in a respectful manner. The final decision will be decided by the administrators and it will be final.
Glossary of some forum/internet terms:
Two "DO NOT'S" in the Brat Pack are Flaming and Spamming. These are Not Acceptable! Problems should be courteously handled! Flame - to make derogatory, insulting, or malicious comments. Spam - to flood someone with emails.
Here's a few of the shortcuts people take while chatting or posting. ROF - rolling on floor LOL - laughing out loud ROTFLMAO - rolling on the floor, laughing my a** off IMHO - in my humble (or honest) opinion BRB - be right back OMG - oh my goodness, gosh, etc. Off-Topic, O/T - Please use O/T forum, Life Between The Violets. MIL = Mother in law, FIL = Father in law, DH = Dear Hubby, DD = Dear Daughter, DS = Dear Son.